Mr. Willie Edon Cooper, Sr. son of the late Arnetress and Doc Cooper, was incepted July 21, 1940 in Appling County. The ultimate consummation of Edon's life was consummated January 17, 2015, as he was consumed with quietude to repose with the Almighty Lord. He was espoused in holy espousal to the late Patricia Ann McMillan Cooper. The fecund years of Edon's life were based in Appling County where he grew up and made prepartation for his life's expedition. He was a 1960 graduate of Appling Consolidated School. In his vigorous years of elaboration in Appling County he had been engaged in employment with the City of Baxley for many years and C.M. Brown Funeral Home, later he was employed at Hazlehurst Mills for 33 years. He embodied himself with Harper Chapel United Methodist Church at a youthful age in devout and reverent aspiration to exhibit moral christian character. Mr. Willie E. Cooper, Sr. relinquishes to rejoice his fruitful life, Five children: Lorenzo Brookins of Baxley, GA., Willie E. (Vickie) Cooper, Jr. of Upper Marlboro, Kevin (Cathy) Cooper of Baxley; Thirteen Grandchildren, Twelve Great-grandchildren, One brother: Mr. Harold Cooper of Norfolk, VA; One sister: Ms. Pearlie Mae Simpson who preceded him in death; Multitudinous of other relatives including nieces, nephews and acquaintances, Geraldine Hayes, Wayne Clinton and Glenda Brookins.
12:00 Noon
Saturday January 24, 2015 Harper Chapel United Methodist Church 217 E Allen Street Baxley, GA. 31513
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Friday, January 23, 2015 C.M. Brown Funeral Home 26 Northside Street Baxley, GA. 31513